Our Favorite Store-Bought BBQ Rub

Not everyone wants to blend their own BBQ rub, and even if you do, sometimes there just isn’t enough time to do it. Thankfully, there are plenty of experts out there who have dedicated their time and taste buds to mixing up the perfect BBQ rubs for everyone to buy and enjoy.
Our favorite brand of store-bought rubs is 2 Gringo’s Chupacabra, which comes from a small town outside of San Antonio, TX . Their seasoning holds a special place in our heart and we have been using it for over 6 years now. It consistently provides a great base as a BBQ meat rub, or pinto bean seasoning.
2 Gringo’s Chupacabra has a multitude of excellent rubs and seasonings for all different types of meats, wild game, and fish. Our favorite is the Original Fine Meat Rub, which we’ve used on ribs, pork shoulder, and even brisket. Combining brown sugar, salt, garlic and chili pepper, among other spices, this rub gives an all around great, crowd-pleasing flavor to just about anything. They say it could even make a dead chupacabra taste good, but we aren’t quite sure about that one.
Check them out on their website, or in person at HEB.
Dog Tired Tips
- Try out 2 Gringo’s Chupacabra Original Fine Meat Rub in our Colorado Pinto Bean recipe with your leftover pulled pork.
- Confused about what a chupacabra is? Read all about the mythical creature on National Geographic.
- This post is in no way sponsored by 2 Gringos. We honestly just love the stuff!
Thank y’all for Spreadin the Word about that Palate Pleasin Goodness, it’s Much Appreciated & Remember…..alls ‘ya gotta do is “Shake It Rub It Love It “, The Gringo